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    We’re so glad you are interested in the Circles of eLearning community! We are a Continuing Adult Education platform.

    Circles of Learning eCademy is all about Continuing Adult Education in creative fiber crafts, book groups and more as we grow. We currently have groups for creatives who knit, quilt, etc., and groups for reading lovers of great fiction and history. Do you love to talk to other stitchers or readers about your favorite things? Our forums give adult learners a chance to share information and form relationships with folks of like minds. We offer live classes via Zoom (including instructional videos) in Continuing Adult Education where you can meet others who like what you like and you can learn more about your passions as you form a community (a Circle). 

    We have forums and live classes (including instructional videos) in:

    • Knitting
    • Crochet
    • Quilting
    • Sewing
    • Embroidery
    • Literary Fiction
    • Historical Fiction
    • Mysteries 
    • Women’s History

    We’re always open to adding more! As a subscribing member you get full access to all of this!

    One of the lessons learned from the pandemic is that we all need other people to enrich our lives. Humans are meant to live in community. The Internet and platforms like Zoom enable us to form community with others from all over the world. The Circles we form both encourage and enable adult learning and friendship. We gain far more than we would in in-person classrooms in our neighborhoods. The friendships you form in Circles of Learning eCademy reach beyond boundaries! Continuing adult education can help you maintain balance and peace in a chaotic world!

    For a small monthly fee, you gain full access to all of our forums and live classes as well as videos for fiber craft skill building. Get the answers to your questions, share projects, favorite books and authors – the possibilities for learning and inspiration are endless! Join us today and start learning and building community. We can’t wait to meet you!  

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